For Supervisors

McConnel with View of Trees

A great resource for student hiring is our Supervisor Checklist for Selecting and Hiring Students!


Resources for Supervisors

  1. Post job descriptions for all available positions on Handshake prior to hiring student employees.
  2. Update the job posting on Handshake to indicate that the position is “filled” after a student is hired.
  3. Review the Student Employment Additional Information Form when it is provided to you, or send it to students who need to complete it.
  4. Share the Authorization to Hire Form with students to begin the hiring process.
  5. Approve timecards.
  6. Ensure timecards are accurate and submitted in a timely manner for work performed.
  7. Determine the student has performed the job in a satisfactory manner.
  8. Communicate with the student about their experience in the role and provide feedback on the student’s performance.

Supervisor Checklist

A great resource for student hiring is our Supervisor Checklist for Selecting and Hiring Students!